Search Results Toolbar and Actions
The Search forms in eCellar provide a powerful tool to create targeted customer lists and result sets based on filtering data related to customers, orders, memberships and payments.
From any search results you can use the options available in the toolbar to continue working with the data set.
The result set of any search type can be used to to create reports and recipient groups for email campaigns.
Search Results Behavior
Results for each type of search are cached. This allows you to view results, page through them and even leave the page; then when you return to the page it will include the same records that were found the last time you ran the search during the same session.
For example: If you run an order search at 3:15pm and it returned 25 records, the IDs of those records are stored in cache. If you then use the Admin Control Panel Menu to go to Search > Orders > View to load results, the same list of orders will load from earlier. If the orders were modified after running the search, the results will still be in the list, but will display their most current data.
To re-run the search, click the Rerun Search link or go to the search form and re-submit it.
Search Toolbar, Sort, and Actions
- Search Toolbar:
- Refine Search - Go back to the search forms and change, add or remove criteria
- View Criteria - Toggles a display of all search criteria used
- Pick Records - Toggles check boxes to select specific results to take action with in the [use results] menu
- Switch Results - Change the output type based on the existing search. All searches can be switched to any of the five search type results; customers, orders, payments, memberships or reservations
- Save Search - Save the current search. These can used as target groups in email campaigns or for regularly repeated use. They are managed in Search Tools
- Rerun Search - Without returning to the search form, rerun the query and update results. (Refer to the date/timestamp to see when the current search was most recently run.)
- Actions:
- Find available actions for the result set in the Select Action menu. Functions include Bulk Modify, Export, Auth/Capture funds, and more.
Changes the number of records shown per page in the results using the "Show X per page" drop-down
- Page through the results using the arrows.
- Sort:
- When viewing the search results, each result is displayed in a detailed card view.
- Use the column headers to sort results. These vary for each search category.
Note: The View Criteria function will toggle the display of all search criteria entered into the forms and is a good way to double-check that the information matches your desired results.
Customer Search Results
The Customer Search results page contains controls to sort by:
- Cust ID - Customer ID
- First - First Name
- Last - Last Name
- Company
- Customer Type
- Created - Date the account was created
- Rank - based on lifetime value (across all brands if Enterprise)
Order Search Results
The Order Search results page contains controls to sort by:
- Order ID
- Order Date
- Amount - total order amount
- Ship Date - sorts all shipping statuses
Payment Search Results
- Payment ID - Different that the order ID, this relates to credit card processing data
- Order ID
- Customer - By customer's last names
- Payment Date - the date of each payment, declined attempts and successful funds captured
- Funds Cap Date - the date the funds were successfully captured
Membership Search Results
- Tier - Club subscription tier
- Signup - The date the subscription started
- Name - Sorts by last name
- Customer ID
- Customer Type
- Ship State - The default club subscription shipping state
- Hold Ship Date - If a hold ship date is specified in the club subscription
- Pickup - If Pickup is specified in the club subscription tab
Reservation Search Results
- Date - The date of the reservation
- Status - Booked, Visited, Late, etc.
- Location - The location of the experience as defined in the calendar and Booking Agents
- Station - Within a location there can be specific stations. This was replaced by tables in Booking Agents.
- Type - The name of the experience
- Host - Assigned in the reservation from the calendar settings
- Party Size - Total guests booked
- Name - Sorts by reservation primary customer's last name
- Customer Type - Sorts by Customer Type of the reservation's primary customer