Search Club Membership Information

Search is used to locate customer and club membership information, and filter a result list based on common data points of information within the database.  Search is also used to create lists for targeted marketing email campaigns, create export files and bulk modify results to add tags, or update other information in each customer record.  To streamline workflows, use the search form to create saved searches for daily routines and fast reporting for metrics, sales and finance.  

To learn all about the Search forms and related tools, begin with  this Article >

The Membership Search Type is used to create campaign target recipient groups for Membership Type campaigns. Learn more about Campaign Types in  this Article>

Memberships Search Form

Club Tiers If no tiers are selected in this field, the search will default to query ALL tiers.  Or, select specific tiers to filter the results. The Club tier is the level of membership the customer is subscribed to.  IF a customer has multiple club subscriptions, they will appear more than once in the results.  
Ship States The club subscription's default ship address State.
Status Determines the subscription status - Active or Cancelled.
Delivery The club membership's preferred method of delivery - Pickup or Ship.
Gift Designates if it's a gift subscription, which would be billed to the subscriber but have the shipping address of the gift recipient.
Signup Date The date that the subscription was added to the customers profile.
Date Range Ability to search a signup date range.
Tenure (months) Ability to search the tenure (length of membership). 
CC Expires Ability to search for CC tokens with an upcoming expiry date. 
Suspend Date Enter a begin and end date range to locate memberships on suspension. (will not receive an order.)   
Hold Ship Date The Hold Shipment Date sets a designated future ship date for their upcoming club order.  The order will be created with the club batch with a Hold Ship status, and the designated date as the future ship date. 
Cancel Reason Ability to search based on specific cancelled reasons. Best if used when searching for cancelled memberships.
Cancel Date Ability to search a cancelled date range.

Sort and Search

At the bottom of the search forms is a button to submit the criteria to view results. When you submit the criteria, the criteria is stored in session and will reload when you click the View menu item for the same search type. For example, navigating to Search > Memberships > View will reload the customer type search most recently performed with the criteria still selected in the form. 

At the bottom of the search form, select a desired sort format based on the information available.  

Membership Results

The list of results will display primary subscription information in a card list view. Click on the links for the Subscription Name or the customer's name to open the Customer Card and view or edit details. 

Learn how to navigate the search results and take actions and view reports in the  next Article >

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