Search results for crv
8 articles found
California Redemption Value - POS Terminal Set Up for On-Site Consumption
Set your registered POS terminal so that all CRV is categorized as "On-Premise" by default ONLY if wine sold sold from the POS station is for consumption on-site. NOTE: The exemption for "on premise"
California Redemption Value - ACP and Product Setup
Starting January 1, 2024, wine and distilled spirits products will be added to the California Beverage Container Recycling Program (BCRP). The Bottle Bill (Senate Bill 1013) will require beverage
California Redemption Value - Reports
Starting January 1, 2024, wine and distilled spirits products will be added to the California Beverage Container Recycling Program (BCRP). The Bottle Bill (Senate Bill 1013) will require beverage
California Redemption Value - Bulk Product Update Upload
From the Product List, download your product SKUs, add the appropriate CRV to each desired item, upload to apply. The products in the download with CRV already added are indicated. Simply update and
California Redemption Value - Orders and Receipts
In the Senate Bill 1013 expanding the CRV there are several requirements regarding separate identification of the redemption payment on receipts and invoices. We have added it per those requirements
eCELLAR Updates - 2023
The following are eCELLAR enhancements added in 2023: December 26, 2023 CRV Fee Collection: NEW California Redemption Value support allows consumer fee collection across all eCELLAR transaction
Terminal Manager
Terminal Manager Terminal Manager is used to add, modify, reset, and delete registered POS terminals. For those who have complex arrangements of POS terminals at their winery brand(s), this tool is
eCELLAR Updates - This Year
Welcome to our eCELLAR Current Updates page! What's we're up to: Public (consumer) Online Enhancements! Phase 1: Side cart and cart editor enhancements - DEPLOYED 9/23/24 Phase 2: My Account