California Redemption Value - Reports

Starting January 1, 2024, wine and distilled spirits products will be added to the California Beverage Container Recycling Program (BCRP). The Bottle Bill (Senate Bill 1013) will require beverage containers to have a California Redemption Value (CRV) ranging from $0.05 to $0.25. Beginning July 1, 2025, producers will be required to include “CA Redemption Value,” “California Redemption Value,” “CA Cash Refund,” “California Cash Refund,” or “CA CRV” on all beverage containers sold or offered for sale in California.

YOUR ACTION IS REQUIRED: Beverage Manufacturers and Distributors of wine and distilled spirits will need to be registered by CalRecycle to enable the reporting and payments of processing fees for CRV redemption payments.

CRV Specific Reports Location In The Admin Panel:

From PAYMENT Search Results > Select Action > Company Reports > Switch the Category to CRV

There are reports for each state that requires redemption collation - 2 for California

The following are provided to assist in the regular reporting of CRV collected:

  1. CA "Distributor" Report
    1. The "not collected" columns will be for things like promo/samples where a CRV must be remitted but the winery is likely not to collect it or have rung those out as cash sales > $0.

  1. CA Manufacturer Report
    1. This report rolls up the data into material types without breaking out the container sizes.

Deposits in Order and Payment Reports

The line item Deposit has been added to the relevant reports and it part of the Grand Total.

Company - General Category

  1. Product Collapsed -

  1. Product Category -

    3. Customer Collapsed -

Company - Finance Category

  1. Product Collapsed -

    2. Product Category -

Company - Printable

  1. Print With Page Breaks -

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