California Redemption Value - ACP and Product Setup

Started in January 2024, wine and distilled spirits products were added to the California Beverage Container Recycling Program (BCRP).

The Bottle Bill (Senate Bill 1013) requires beverage containers to have a California Redemption Value (CRV) ranging from $0.05 to $0.25.

Beginning July 1, 2025, producers are required to include “CA Redemption Value,” “California Redemption Value,” “CA Cash Refund,” “California Cash Refund,” or “CA CRV” on all beverage containers sold or offered for sale in California.

Resources to help guide you in navigating the requirement details and signup procedures:

Beverage Manufacturer and Distribution Reporting and Payment Manual (11/23)

New CA Redemption Requirements

YOUR ACTION IS REQUIRED: Beverage Manufacturers and Distributors of wine and distilled spirits will need to be registered by CalRecycle to enable the reporting and payments of processing fees for CRV redemption payments.

As with other compliance matters, eCELLAR has provided tools so regulations and standards can be met. The manner in which the application is applied is up to the individual winery client to determine. You may want to consult your compliance firm or persons regarding your specific application of CRV fees.

NOTE: As with any new feature in eCELLAR there are updates and additions that require the attention of your designer. We recommend you direct them to the Designer Widget Wiki - for more information and guidance.


There are only two areas that need attention for setup of CRV: The State Deposit section in Fees, and individual product detail.

  1. FEES TAB - Under the Company tab > Fees see the State Deposit section. Deposits and refunds are managed for those state that require them here. It is recommended that Products be configured before the CRV feature is turned on.
    1. The recommended titles for California are in a drop-down menu. Choose one.
    2. Choose ENABLE to activate > Confirmation will appear, click continue to apply the fee.
      1. Similarly, Change and Disable messages will appear when those actions are performed.

  1. PRODUCT DETAIL - Deposit tab
    1. Products can be updated individually or by using the CRV Worksheet
      1. See this Help Doc for bulk update instructions
      2. Individually -
        1. Click ADD - the default is to 1 glass 750ml CA deposit.
        2. Drop down for state assignment
        3. Manufacturer and/or Distributor option
        4. Format option will update the fee
        5. Quantity of the individual SKU(s) in the product (Example: a 3 pack of wine would be 3)

IMPORTANT: Editing a deposit only allows the user to change the quantity. This is so reports for previously sold products are not altered.

  • If the package actually changes, the deposit should be deleted and a new one created.

This is an additional article that might inform further, though not from a state agency:

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