Search results for multi-ship

8 articles found

  • Multi-Ship Orders and Workflow

    This is the basic workflow for processing a Multi-Ship Order - That is one order per-recipient, billed to one (or more) of the a Billing Customer's credit cards. Review this article on Multi-Ship

  • Multi-Ship Batch Order Management

    BATCH SETTLEMENT The Multi-Ship Batch Settlement table provides at-a-glance view of all Multi-Ship uploads: orders created and orders paid, and ship status. Tools are also available to initiate

  • Multi-Ship Overview and Terminology

    The Multi-Ship feature of eCELLAR allows you to create multiple orders with one biller or multiple billers sent to multiple recipients. Multi-Ship offers the user the ability to create customer

  • eCELLAR Updates - 2021

    Welcome to our eCellar 2021 Updates page! The following Major Updates were delivered in 2021. For current updates being delivered this year, click here Ship State Limiter (March 24) allowing you to

  • User Permissions and Terminology

    User Permissions and Terminology The user manager section is considered high-level access and is permission / IP restriction based. It allows a user to Create, Edit, Enable and Disable user

  • Gift Cards - Admin Setup, Use and Management

    Gift Cards can be sold as a product and redeemed in the POS and on winery web sites. Physical and/or virtual gift cards may be sold and redeemed. Gift cards are a separate eCELLAR module that needs

  • eCELLAR Updates - 2023

    The following are eCELLAR enhancements added in 2023: December 26, 2023 CRV Fee Collection: NEW California Redemption Value support allows consumer fee collection across all eCELLAR transaction

  • eCELLAR Updates - This Year

    Welcome to our eCELLAR Current Updates page! What's we're up to: Public (consumer) Online Enhancements! Phase 1: Side cart and cart editor enhancements - DEPLOYED 9/23/24 Phase 2: My Account