Campaigns - Add a PDF

Adding a PDF link to an email campaign is an easy way to provide added information like recipes, directions or instructions, forms, etc. to an email campaign.

Similar to using images, you will access the Asset Manager. Access to the Asset Manager is permission based.

Upload the PDF to the Asset Manager

  1. The Asset Manager is found under the Content tab.

  2. Click Upload File button, Select the PDF from your browser finder, then 2) click Upload a file.

  3. The PDF will now be in the list of 'assets'.

Add the PDF to an Email Campaign

  1. From the Asset Manager, click on linked the PDF name. The PDF will open in a new tab of your browser. Copy the URL from the browser URL field.

  1. In you campaign you can add the link to a button or to text.

For more details on email campaigns see this article, review any of the related articles below, or search "campaign" in the Help Center.

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