Create a ReMix Club Shipment

Remix allows your customers to personalize their upcoming wine club order using an online portal on your website.  They can review the details of a standard club and creating a Remix club shipment event with combinations of products as designed and set up in the Admin Panel Club Shipment Event.

Be Careful: A successful wine club shipment processing requires your undivided attention.  Try not to be in a rush, and avoid distractions. Closing your office door, set your telephone to Do Not Disturb and turn off your email notifications to reduce any interruptions.  If this is your first time using the Wine Club Module in eCellar, be sure to read the introduction article, Overview and Terminology and become familiar with a standard shipment event before creating a Remix event. 

Remix Shipment Overview

A Club Shipment Event is also known as a Club Batch, Club Run or Club Event.  A Remix event contains all the same settings as a standard club event.  Remix adds the ability for customers to create their own personalized order online within a set timeframe, and based on requirements in the event settings for minimum bottles, minimum subtotal and maximum bottles.  Orders created online will be generated in a Not Paid billing status, to be processed and paid along with the rest of the batch.  Remix orders must be created before the remaining invoices are generated in the batch.  Remix orders can be located using the Search Orders form, and by viewing the Shipment Preview.  Before creating a club event, be sure to review your current club tier members, validate customer types, review members on suspension, and club shipping rate tables.

Add a New Club Shipment Event

To create a new club shipment event, go to the shipment event list by navigating to  Club > Shipments using the Admin Control Panel toolbar.  In the upper right corner of the shipment list, select Add a new Club Shipment to begin.   If you need to edit an existing club shipment, use the edit-pencil icon in the functions.

Shipment Event Types

From the selection of club shipment types, click to Create Remix Shipment.  To learn about all club event types, read more in this Article

Remix Shipment Event Setup

Complete each of the required fields for the Shipment Event settings.  A Remix club event has the same event settings as a standard club shipment event on the left. Then, on the right, are the specific Remix parameters. Once the shipment settings are completed, move to the second half of the page to assign products. 

Event Name:  A unique description of the club event.  Often this is a code or shorthand name that includes the tier, season (or annual shipment number) year and the month of processing.
Optional: For Enterprise clients, also select the Brand associated with this club tier and event.  
Tier: Select the desired membership tier for this shipment event.
Invoice Creation Date: The date you plan to create the batch of invoices, for any customers that did not create their own remix order online. This is NOT the date you will capture funds or ship the wine.  This date is specifically used to identify and ignore members who are skipping this shipment and have suspend dates in their membership.
Active: Will enable the event to display in the POS, and generate preview information.  Check this box if this is the current or upcoming shipment event for your members.  Once it is no longer the currently available shipment, the event should be deactivated.
Description is an internal note field for reference.  A handy place to list the wines included in the event.
Flat Rate Group: Select the corresponding shipping rate group for rates that match this tier.
Pickup Location: Select the pickup location for all will-call orders.  This also defines the inventory location that will-call orders will be depleted from as they are picked up. Choosing the pickup location will determine the fulfillment service for pickup orders, and will determine the inventory location to deplete product from for all pickup orders in the shipment event.

Remix Start Date:  The date customers can log into My Account, and access the remix customization tool to create their club order.  Use the date picker to select the desired date.  The Remix date range should be before the event date set above
Remix End Date: The last day available for customers to create their own remix order online. (Be sure the date entered is after the remix start date.) 
Minimum number of bottles: When a customer creates their remix order online, this is the minimum number of bottles required in their order.  This is an optional field, and must be a entered as a number. 
Maximum number of bottles: For remix orders created online, this is the maximum number of bottles allowed in an order.  This optional setting may be useful to limit the size of orders, if flat rate shipping is enabled for remix. 
Minimum Product Subtotal: This optional setting requires customers to meet a specific dollar minimum (product subtotal) before completing an order.  Enter a minimum amount as a number. (not $1,500)
Use Daily Rates?: When enabled, all remix orders created online will calculate shipping based on the daily rates set up in the Company shipping zones & methods.

Important: Daily Rates will not look for ship method override preferences within a individuals club subscription. Only Club Shipping Rates obey that preference.
Introduction Message: This message displays on the first page of the public customer-side experience.  The field can accept HTML for formatting. Be sure to always preview the content via the public-side during testing before launching a remix to customers.  Learn more about preview and testing in this Article. 
Thank You Message: This message displays on the public-side after a customer has submitted their new remix order.  Text can be formatted using HTML, and should always be previewed before launching a remix to customers.

Example: Completed Shipment Event Settings

Not ready to assign products yet? Click  Save Shipment to create the event, and come back later to finish.  Need to create an event quickly without configuring all possible settings? Required fields are: Event Name, Club Tier, Event Date, Flat Rate Group, Pickup Location. 

Add Club Shipment Products

Assign products to the club event beginning with the standard products that will be included in the default shipment. 

Product: Select the product using the finder-menu.  Type in any keyword, vintage or SKU to locate the correct product. 
Price: The SKU and retail price will pre-populate from the product settings.  The Price can be adjusted if needed. 
Description: Add an optional short description of the product to help customers select their wines. 
Discount: Apply a discount to the product. Club shipment discounts are not controlled by the discount engine or any other customer type discounts that may be set up for club members.  Shipment discounts are controlled exclusively in the event settings. 
Taxed: Enable if this item is taxable. 
Include in Shipment: Enable to include this item if this is a standard product and will be included in all default shipment orders.  If the product is included in shipment and not editable, then all batch orders will be generated with the product quantity in the first column. 

Hide From Customer?: Enable this setting to hide the product from customer remix options online.  Use this setting for newsletters, inserts, or other bonus items included for members. 
Allow Customers to Modify: Enable if this product can be edited by customers online.  Each product is required to have a minimum, maximum and increment. 
Minimum The minimum amount available in the quantity selector online.  Set minimum to match the quantity if this product is required, and cannot be removed or reduced less than the standard amount.  Set to zero if this product is not required.
Maximum The maximum amount available in the quantity selector online that a customer can choose to add to their order.  Be sure this product maximum does not exceed the maximum number of bottles allowed in the club remix order. 
Increment Typically set to 1, the increment controls the quantity offered online.  i.e. 1,2,3,4... or 0,2,4,6...

The product minimum, maximum and increment set in here is for remix orders only, and will override any other settings in the product for online general stores.

Once product settings are configured, select to Add Product (or Cancel to close the popup.) 

Example: Included Products

Standard products have been added to the shipment, and are all designated by the Included checkmark.  

Continue adding additional products for customers to optionally add or swap into their remix order online.  Products that are not included in the shipment as a default product for batch orders should be entered with a quantity of zero, and a minimum quantity of zero.  

Example: Final Remix Product Table

Once items are added, click Save Shipment to save changes, finalize this club shipment event and navigate back to the Club Shipment List.  Events can be edited later too!  

Be Careful: If you make a mistake and need to change a product, use the trash can to delete the line item.  To edit product settings use the pencil icon to review and make changes.  Be sure to Save changes at the bottom of the page when finished! 

Warning: Don’t forget your Club inserts! Double-check your products, pricing, discounts, quantity and tax.  If mistakes occur once batch orders are created they must be edited individually to make any corrections in the POS, or contact the Support Team for development assistance to bulk cancel all orders in the shipment event.

Ready to preview and test the Remix settings on your website? Read the details in  the next Article.

Remix window is closed, and its' time to generate the full batch of orders for all order customers who did not create a remix order.  Learn about generating the batch of remaining invoices  in this Article.  

Also, once the Shipment Event is created, custom pre-batch orders can be created in the POS. Learn all about it  in this Article

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