Allocation Event - Adding Products
Follow these general steps to create an allocation release event:
- 1
- Create the tiers for the new release event.
- 2
- Create the events based on your allocation model.
- 3
- Test, test, test. Use the pre-release checklist to validate all details for the release.
- 4
- Assign customers into tiers, assign tags by tier, and prepare campaign groups.
To begin creating an allocation event in preparation for an upcoming release, first review the article about Allocation Tiers, and complete the steps outlined in the Allocation Events article. Once the Allocation Event is created, it's ready to assign products by tier.
Permission Required: To access all Allocation settings, your user account must be enabled with the permission for Allocation to access the sub-menu options. Contact your eCellar User Manager for assistance.
Add Products by Tier
To edit the details of an allocation event and assign products and quantity limits to each tier, navigate to Allocation > Events. Then click the pencil-icon to manage the details and products for the event.
Follow the set of steps below that match the allocation model for your brand. Need a refresher on different allocation setup styles? Review the details in the Overview Article.
Types of Allocation Styles in this Article
Single Allocation Event with Multiple Tiers
- 1
Select the first tier to assign product allocations.
The product settings will appear once a tier is selected.
- 2
- Select the product from the drop-down menu, and set the quantity limits then click Add New to save the product settings.
- 3
- Continue to repeat Step #2 for each product included in the allocation offer for this tier.
- 4
- After all products are added, click Submit Changes to save.
Be Careful: If you made an error by selecting the wrong product or entered an incorrect quantity, use the [trash-can-icon] to delete the row and and create a new product line with the corrections needed.
- 5
- Use the tier drop-down menu to select the next tier.
- 6
- Repeat Steps #1 - #4 until all products for this tier are completed.
As each tier is finished, click Submit Changes to save. Then move on to the next tier until all tiers have products and sell limit quantities assigned. Don't forget to set up the Test Tier with all the products to be offered in this event.
Multiple Allocation Events, each with a Single Tier
Each allocation event will have it's own corresponding tier. And to keep things organized, create event names based on the tier names.
Example: Event setup with multiple events for the same release
Example: Corresponding Tier setup
Each Tier name matches an Event name above.
Beginning with the first event, select the [edit-pencil-icon] to enter the event details and assign products.
For each event, complete the following steps:
- 1
- Select the corresponding T ier for this event. The product settings will appear once a tier is selected.
- 2
- Select the product from the drop-down menu, and set the quantity limits then click Add New to save the product settings.
- 3
- Continue to repeat Step #2 for each product included in the allocation offer for this tier.
- 4
- After all products are added, click Submit Changes to save.
Be Careful: If you made an error by selecting the wrong product or entered an incorrect quantity, use the [trash-can-icon] to delete the row and and create a new product line with the corrections needed.
- 5
- Repeat Steps #1 - #4 above for each event, until all events have a tier and products completed.
Individual Allocations, Every Customer in a Unique Tier
Each individual customer belongs to a unique tier, and can be offered completely customized products and min/max quantities. To create 1,000s of tiers at a time, we leverage the power of a spreadsheet. Learn how to create the upload file and build individual allocations in this Article.
Next Step
Once the tiers, events and products are all set up it's time to review and test the allocation release using the pre-release checklist. Always test each allocation release by logging to the allocation store on your website to review all products, purchase process and checkout cart details.