Tips on Tips
Tips can be used in the POS on both mobile (iPad) and stationary terminals, registered and virtual terminals. Tips are managed separately for each registered terminal, and as one setting for all virtual terminals. For more information about terminals read this article.
In this article we will cover how tips and be used in three different ways:
- POS Order adjustment, after initial payment
- The order review screen
- Push Pay path to purchase
- The Tip Line on a printed receipt
POS Order Adjustment -
This is most like what one might experience in a restaurant.
A tip can be added after an initial order is processed for payment via an order adjustment.
- Place a POS order as usual, present the printed receipt to the customer for a signature. It will include a the tip line (assuming the terminal setting are set accordingly).
- Upon collecting the signed receipt with the tip return to the POS.
- Go to Recent Orders, click on the Action drop down, and select Adjust Tip -
- Enter the tip amount form the receipt, and click Continue. The tip will be added automatically.
The Order Review Screen -
This is most effective with an iPad or screen that can be turned to face the customer.
- Once an order has been created in the POS, click the pencil icon next to the tip amount.
This will open an order review page that can be presented to the customer.
Upon clicking the Continue button, the customer is presented with the opportunity to add a tip.
Note: The suggested percentage is optional and managed from Terminal Manager for each registered terminal, and as one setting for all virtual terminals.
4. Once the customer has entered the tip percentage or custom amount the screen updates with a thanks you message, and the direction "Please hand back to the cashier."
5. The staff personnel then clicks the "X" in the top right corner to return to the POS screen and finalize the order.
Push Pay Path to Purchase -
Best Practice: If Reservation Manager is used, collect credit card and email information when making tasting reservations, or as part of your Booking Agent. This article contains details on setting up Booking Agents.
For POS Terminals: Mobile and Stationary
A touchless method to present an order to the customer for addition of a tip.
- Assign the customer to the order either via the link from the calendar, or search in POS.
Once all the information has been confirmed: product, shipping if applicable, etc, click PUSH.
A menu will appear with options to print, email to the customer (confirming the email address), or show QR code on the screen - most often Show QR code will be chosen for POS terminals.
- A QR code will appear on the screen for the customer to scan. Also, a print icon appears to print the QR code on the receipt.
- Ask the customer to open the camera on their phone, then turn the screen to face the customer so they can scan the QR code.
The customer will be shown to the order in their fully secure account where they can add a tip (if that feature is turned on for the terminal), change or add a payment method (credit card), and add a note before clicking Complete Order.
Note: The suggested percentage is optional and managed from Terminal Manager for each registered terminal, and as one setting for all virtual terminals.
For POS Virtual Terminals
Perform the same order procedure as described for registered terminals above.
The menu will appear with options to print, email to the customer (confirming the email address), or show QR code on the screen - most often Email a Magic Link... will be chosen for virtual terminals
The customer will receive an email to complete the order -
Clicking the link will take them to the order in their account on the winery web site -
Note: The suggested percentage is optional and managed from Terminal Manager for each registered terminal, and as one setting for all virtual terminals.
The Tip Line on a Printed Receipt -
For Mobile (iPad) POS Terminals
- Once an order has been created in the POS, click the hyperlinked $0.00 under the tip.
This will open a box in which the tip can be entered.
- Invite the customer to enter an amount if they would like, click continue and hand the devise back to you.
- Upon clicking continue the screen will return to the POS view.
- Process the order as usual.
For stationary POS Terminals
Once an order has been created in the POS, SAVE the order, click RECENT ORDERS.
2. From the Action drop down menu select Print.
3. Present the receipt to the customer to complete and sign.
4. Return to the terminal, open the saved order, add the tip amount by clicking the hyperlinked $0.00 under the tip.
- Enter the tip amount provided by the customer and process the order for payment.