iPad Setup with Credit Card Readers

iPad Set Up for c2x Credit Card reader devises

Release Note:  In December of 2022 the integration for iPads and the Bluetooth Walker devices was updated. It eliminated the use of the OpenEdge Mobile app, and replaced the previous version of the eCELLAR Mobile app with version 3.1.0. This update applies to both the older BT and newer C2X Walker products.

Modification to the Payment Gateway

eCELLAR Support must update your Payment Gateway before the update can be made to iPad(s). To perform this you will need to provide the following to Support:

  1. Your OpenEdge Merchant ID
  2. The last 4 digits of one of the following:Plug the printer into the LAN/Wi-Fi source using an ethernet cable.  
    1. The winery's sales Federal Tax ID
    2. The bank account used in OpenEdge
    3. The contract signer's social security number
  3. Once Support has modified the gateway you will receive an email indicating you can proceed with the steps below to update your iPad(s).

    Set Up the iPad

    1. Delete the old eCELLAR app from the iPad, and add the new version 1.4.0 (new as of 8/23) from the Apple App Store.
    2. Delete the old OpenEdge Mobile App from the iPad.

    — If you have been using an iPad with a c2x devise and simply need to reset it, follow the instructions starting here —

    1. Release the POS terminal:
      1. POS > Terminal Admin (If you do not see this option, you do not have the necessary permission to access Terminal Manager).
      2. Find the Terminal ID for the terminal that matches the iPad you would like to release in the far left column > click on the Terminal Name to edit.
      3. Uncheck IN USE > click SAVE.
      4. You will re-register the terminal later.
    2. Set Up The Walker device
      1. POS > Register as Mobile > Click TEST.
      2. Click Setup Swiper. Allow Bluetooth to reach and find the device.
      3. Confirm the serial number matches and click ASSIGN.
      4. Test the swiper with a live credit card, dip or tap.
    3. Click on the MOBILE TERMINAL hyperlink name.
      1. re-register Mobile Device? = YES
    4. Re-register the Terminal
      1. POS > Manage.
      2. Enter the location of the terminal to be re-registered.
      3. Choose the terminal name from the drop-down menu > click Register Terminal.
      4. NOTE: You may have to close and open the register/terminal after re-registering.
    5. Open the POS
      1. Run a test order with a live credit card (you can alter the amount to $2.00 if desired).
      2. Void the order after successfully processing the payment.

    NOTE: If an error massage regarding the SDK appears -

    1. Confirm that you have selected the Mobile Terminal in step 5.
    2. Confirm that the swiper has been set up and is communicating (Step 4).

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