Reservation Campaigns

Campaigns are now categorized by three different  Campaign Types; Customers, Memberships and Reservations.  If your winery uses the eCellar Reservations Module, then you  have access to send email campaigns leveraging merge fields with nearly every data-point of a reservation appointment.  Create customized content that your guests will love to see with merge fields such as reservation date, time, and type to send appointment confirmations and reminders automatically. 

See the full list of available  merge fields for Reservation Campaigns here >

Example of a Reservation reminder campaign

Create a Reservation Campaign

When creating a new campaign, first select the Campaign Type > Reservations.  This will populate the available merge fields specifically for reservation appointments. Merge fields are available for the subject line and the body content of the campaign. 

Be Careful: Most wineries use internal names for club tiers. To avoid sharing these internal names with your customers, we've built a new PUBLIC CLUB TIER NAME field. Go to Club > Tiers and edit EACH tier to create a Public Club Tier Name which will be used as the merge field content.  As a placeholder, the Public Tier Name is pre-filled with the existing tier name. 

Create a Target Recipient Group 

Reservation campaigns can only be sent to Reservation recipient groups. These are created by saving a search in the NEW SEARCH  using a Reservation Type search. 

  1. Go to Search > Reservations.  Select [clear all] in the upper-right, if you've already created searches today! 
  2. Select the desired criteria in the form.  Be sure to select the correct reservation statuses!
  3. Link in additional forms if needed.
  4. At the result list, use the Function Toolbar to select Save Search

-- Now it will be available as a target group in your new Reservation Campaign. 

Reminder Campaign

Reminder campaigns are best sent at the end of the day, to be sure and capture as many possible reservations that are updated to a Booked status.  To send a 3-day reminder campaign to all booked reservations, selected criteria for the saved search would look like this:

And a Reminder Campaign for the next day would looks like this:

Legacy Campaigns

All pre-existing campaigns (created prior to 4/27/17) are Customer Type campaigns;  because they are sent to customer groups, and based on customer search criteria. Existing campaigns may be changed to a new campaign type.  Use some caution and be sure to check the result after switching.  If you switch types and a merge field from the prior type is still in the subject or body, it will be removed (automatically) when the campaign type is switched.  Each set of merge fields is specific to the type of campaign. 

Important note: All saved target customer groups prior to this deployment will remain available to legacy campaigns only.  If you remove an old customer group from a campaign, you will not be able to re-select it as a target group.

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