Create a New Reservation

With the introduction of Res Mgr v3, best practice is to utilize the New Booking function instead of the New Reservation function.  You can learn more about the New Booking function here

To open a blank reservation card, click anywhere on the white space of the calendar grid or click New Reservation from the toolbar. 

Navigate to the desired date for the reservation.  Using the calendar at the top of the screen to click desired month, then desired date.  

Then click on the grid for the appointment time. The reservation details box will appear, with blank fields that need to be completed. All * fields are required.

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Reservation Details 

Party Name This is an open text field, use the customer’s name or a description
Add Customer This is a search field connected to your database. Begin typing a customer's name and link an existing customer to the reservation.  This will also populate other contact fields for the reservation and the customer's history and purchase metrics will appear on the right of the reservation card.

   Or create a new profile by clicking  NEW to launch the quick add customer form.
-- Multiple customers can be associated with a reservation too
Reservation Type Select the desired reservation type or experience  
Status Select the status of the reservation   Learn more about statuses below!
Party Size Total number of guests in the group
# of Tasters Number of guests tasting wine
Phone Phone number for reservation contact.  This will auto-populate based on the customer record linked
Email Address Email address for reservation.  Will auto-populate using the customer record linked
Referred By This is also a search field of your customer database.  A referrer should be set-up as a customer record, and linked to the reservation for powerful referral performance tracking. Learn more about Referral Network setup and reporting in this Article.
Requested Date The original date/time requested from an online reservation request using an RSVP widget
Scheduled Date The scheduled date and time for the appointment
Location In most cases, this will default to your primary location. For Enterprise brands, select your location. 
Station Select desired station, or the default will auto-populate
Host  Assign the host to the reservation
Notes Helpful for any reservation specific information

Reservation Statuses

The reservations statuses available are: Requested, Tentative, Stand-By, Booked, Visited, Late, No Show, Cancelled and Wait List.  When creating a new reservation, almost all appointments are created with the status Booked.  This is very important for reporting and any automatic campaigns that are triggered based on the status of a reservation, such as appointment confirmations and reminders.  

It's also very important to update the reservation status to either Visited, Late or No Show once the appointment is completed.  These statuses directly trigger reporting and metrics to see performance of each party's visit. 

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