Gift Cards - Sales and Redemption

Gift Cards can be sold as a product and redeemed in the POS and on winery web sites. Physical and/or virtual gift cards may be sold and redeemed.

Selling Gift Cards

  1. POS Sale - Physical Gift Card: Physical cards can be purchased in bulk from any reputable vender.
    1. Upon adding the physical gift card product to the order, click the EDIT icon to enter the card code. This is mandatory, the order cannot be processed without an assigning a code.
    2. NOTE - If not pre-numbered from the vendor, codes should be sufficiently long for security purposes, and include both letters and numbers

  2. POS Sale - Virtual Gift Card:
    1. Same as selling a physical gift card, the edit button must be clicked and the form completed.
    2. The Email Template "Consumer Virtual Gift Card" is sent to the Recipient containing the gift card code and the message. These go out automatically every 5 minutes.

    3. Multiple gift cards in one order, at the same value, can be easily accommodated.

  3. Web Sale - Physical Gift Card:
    1. Confirm shipping rates match the desired SOP, shipping with a fee or not. In either case make sure your shipping tables are set accordingly. The second image assumes the gift card has a weight of one pound in the Product Detail.

  4. Web Sale - Virtual Gift Card:
    1. This cart has two cards of different value. Upon checkout the customer must enter the details for each card separately.

    2. The Order Confirmation will contain the designated recipient, as will the Order Review.

    3. The Email Template "Consumer Virtual Gift Card" is sent to the Recipient containing the gift card code and the message. These go out automatically every 5 minutes.

Gift Card Redemption

  1. POS Orders - Gift cards are a payment/tender type, whether physical or virtual.
    1. Choose Gift Card as the payment type, the Locate link will appear.

    2. Click the Locate link, enter the gift card code, view the card use information and the (remaining) balance.
    3. Notice in the example that the Amount to pay is the balance on the card, while the actual order total is $82.11.
    4. Any portion amount of the gift card may be applied. In this example all of it will be applied.

    5. Upon applying the gift card amount, Payment 1 will identify the last 4 digits/characters of the card, and will reflect the amount applied and the balance due.

    6. Click Payment 2 and choose the next tender type. If a credit card you can select the options as usual.

      The balance due will automatically populate for the second payment > Place order as with any other split tender.

  1. Web Orders -
    1. In Checkout (Step 4), there is a link "Use a Gift Card?"
    2. Enter the code fro either a virtual or physical gift card > click Find Gift Card

    3. The gift card will be identified by the last 4 digits/characters, and the available balance is displayed.
    4. Cancel - If the customer chooses to not use the gift card they may click "Do not use this gift card". This is particularly helpful if an already used or voided card code is entered.


Payment Gateway Setting: Regardless of the setting for Web orders with physical gift cards will be NOT PAID and need to be processed in the POS so a card code can be added.

Bulk Auth/Cap: Can handle gift card payments. Partial Paid billing statuses may appear if other payment types are not valid.

Refunds and Voids

  1. Gift card products may not be returned:
    1. The Qty selector is disabled.
    2. If clicked, the "Full Return" button will show a popup message saying gift cards may not be returned.
  2. Orders with gift cards can be voided on the same day as purchased (assuming your OpenEdge batch has not settled).

If you would like more information: Click here for a video ( Passcode: *oq8z7.! ) explaining the information in this Help Doc as well as in the companion doc "Gift Cards: Admin Setup, Use and Management".

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