What to Expect during on-boarding

The On Boarding Process can seem daunting but at its core there are several distinct phases that break the process into manageable pieces.

We will walk you through every step using a shared checklist that has been developed over years of migrating new clients.

The Basic Phases:

  1. Initial Kickoff Meeting: We will discuss the absolute first steps in the process and orient you to the checklist.
  2. First Data Pull: As a launching point we will bring the data in from your old system.
  3. Training and Data Validation: Using your data that has been migrated, we will begin training you on eCELLAR. We will also work with you to ensure accuracy and validity of the data.

    We have found the most success when this process is scheduled for six to eight weeks.

  4. Systems configuration: We will assist you in setting up the essential systems within eCELLAR for your operation and support with any additional tasks.
  5. Public Website Staging: Your web designer will provide a staging or test web site. This is used to ensure functionality with eCELLAR, as well as for training.
  6. Final Data Pull and Go-Live: The night before your desired "go-live" day, we will perform a second final data pull. We will then work with you and your team to ensure a smooth transition.

While each individual's clients' needs are different, these are the steps we take to ensure everyone's data and use of eCELLAR.

Frequently Asked Questions:

We signed, now what?

- We will supply you with a detailed timeline of deliverables.

- We will work directly with your designer(s) to launch eCELLAR Designer Widgets within your website(s). Please note minimum designer requirements below.

- Help documentation is available at help.ecellar1.com; RECOMMENDED: We will perform scheduled training at hourly rates.

What are the minimum requirements of my designer to launcheCELLAR within our website?

Although we love designers, we don't feel it is our best and highest use to train them how to code web pages. The following, therefore, are what we have set as bare minimum expected knowledge for a designer who expects to deploy eCellar Remote Widgets in their client's website. If your designer cannot do any of the following, you will need to add another designer to deploy eCELLAR. At a bare minimum, your designer must...

  1. Be able to accurately copy/paste a few lines of HTML (one css file link, 3 divs, 2 script tags) into pages of your website.
  2. Online Forum for your designer for eCELLAR Designer Widgets deployment: https://rw-forum.ecellar1.com.
  3. Be able to change <Your API Key> to the actual key we provide them.
  4. Know how to add a page(s) to your site.
  5. Be able to follow our (Forum and email) instructions if you are using a supported CMS (e.g. Squarespace, Wordpress, etc).

What additional resources do you offer to ensure successful launch of eCELLAR for our Winery?

In addition to our phone, email and onsite support, we offer three distinct online resources for your staff and designer:

  1. Online Help Document repository for eCELLAR: https://help.ecellar1.com.
  2. Wiki for Designer Widgets: https://github.com/ecellar/remote-widgets/wiki.
  3. Online Forum for your designer for eCELLAR Designer Widgets deployment: https://rw-forum.ecellar1.com.

After launch, what's included in the monthly fees?

- Complimentary email and phone eCELLAR application support to trained personnel per the policies as described in this document.

- Application support is available M-F between 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM Pacific – weekend support is available at weekend/holiday rates.

- Automatic updates - our clients always have the most current version of eCELLAR software.

- Complimentary User Groups (4-6x per year) covering new features and eCELLAR modifications (ecellar1.com).

What's NOT included in the monthly fees?

- Campaign Manager: We charge $0.015 per email sent (billed quarterly).

- Payment Gateway charges (e.g. OpenEdge, etc.) are not included as part of your eCELLAR rates.

- Compliance service (e.g. ShipCompliant/Avalara) fees are not included as part of your eCELLAR rates.

- Merchant equipment and fees as mentioned below.

- Hosting charges for your website.

- Phone, remote & onsite eCellar application training is always billed at normal hourly rates per this service policy document: https://help.ecellar1.com/article/385-service-policies.

Data Migration – moving data into eCELLAR from other applications/spreadsheets/databases:

- We will accurately (guaranteed) move existing customer information (name, email, addresses), club subscription information, order history, and credit card information from your existing software platform(s) into eCELLAR and, will do so at additional cost per datasource migrated.

Can we use our existing POS equipment?

- Recycling of POS hardware may be possible. We have the following minimum hardware/software requirements for the eCellar POS module:

- Latest supported operating System (OS): Windows 10 or Mac X or newer.

- CPU: Dual Core Processor and 1 GB RAM.

- Thermal receipt printer: Epson T88IV or newer. Printer drivers must be supported by above OS’s.

- Monitor: Must be supported by the above Operating systems.

- Touchscreen Monitor: Must be supported by the above Operating systems, and less than 5 years old.

- Cash Drawer: Must work with existing printer driver and have working (existing) connector cable.

- Credit Card Readers: Due to the end to end encryption used by OpenEdge/GlobalPayments, you will need to purchase new EMV credit card devices. We have negotiated favorable pricing on these on your behalf with OpenEdge, our credit card processor.

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