Campaign Wrappers
A campaign wrapper surrounds the body content of the email. A wrapper is an HTML skin that encapsulates the content of the email body and typically includes graphic images for the header and footer sections of the email, which are visible at the top and bottom of the content. These wrappers are used in email campaigns to enhance brand indentification.
Wrappers consist of a header file, footer file and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) which is built into the code to dictate font sizes, styles, colors, etc. Using wrappers typically replaces the need to apply general styling to the text within the email body. However additional styling can be added to the email body through the email editor. The header and footer files typically match your branding material such as your website, winery logo, labels, etc. Each database can have as many wrappers as you would like. It's common to have seasonal, promotional-themed and department specific wrappers for the Tasting Room, Wine Club, Allocation, etc.
New email wrappers can be created by your website design team following minimal requirements. You will need to provide basic layout guidance including image assets and fonts to be used.
When creating an email campaign, select the wrapper in the campaign editor, just below the content editors.
To view the finished product of the wrapper and the content of the email, send yourself a preview of the email campaign. Learn more about launching and testing campaigns in this Article.
Example Wrapper
The simple wrapper in this campaign contains a header image, and font styling.