Abandoned Carts
- They represent product placed in a customer's cart on your web site, and are not orders.
- Because they are not orders, they are the result of customer searches.
- Carts turn to abandoned if they are modified prior to midnight Pacific time.
- Viewing a Club Remix in a web site creates a cart.
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Searching for Abandoned Carts
- Cart Age can be either Up To a number of days, or Exactly the number of days old.
- Perform a Customer Search
- Brand selection will be available for Enterprise clients.
- Select the number of days up to 30.
- A specific brand can be chosen, if applicable
- Minimum and/or Max product quantity can be included, if the specific product is included or not.
Search for all carts up X days, or those only Y days old. -
For Enterprise clients a choice of brand(s) will be an option.
A search for cart with a specific product is an option, with a min/max of that product.
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Rehydrate Icons -
A. The bag icon represents an abandoned Club Remix cart. - B. The light gray basket represents an abandoned cart for another Enterprise brand than the context you are in currently. If you hover over the icon you will see the brand with which the cart is associated.
- C. The dark gray basket represents an abandoned cart for which action can be taken in this brand context.
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Managing and Rehydrating Abandoned Carts
We recommend creating an "Abandoned Cart" email campaign that targets customers with abandoned carts. Include an Abandoned Cart magic link that will make the customer experience simple, and increase the likeliness of closing the transaction. Set it to launch at regular (daily) intervals.
To rehydrate the cart click on the icon and then "Rehydrate Online".
Abandoned Carts Search and Use
Search Results
1. Clicking Rehydrate Online will create a "copy" of the customer's cart that can be used to view the cart contents, or complete an order. Because it is a copy of the cart, if an order is completed by an admin user, it does NOT remove the customer's own instance of the cart.
2. When you click Rehydrate Online you will be logging into the customer's account. Don't forget to log out, especially if you are working on carts for other customers.