Customer Sources

The customer source identifies how the customer came into the database. Create and manage customer sources in the Admin Control Panel. 

Permission Required:  To access the customer tools, your user account must be enabled with two permissions: 
      1.) Primary access to the Admin Control Panel menu, and
      2.) The permission to access the main menu for Customers.
Contact your eCellar User Manager for assistance. 

Every database is built with two default customer sources: Tasting Room and Web. These can be renamed, but not deleted. If you want to make changes to these, please contact the Support Team for additional guidance.

Best Practice: Common customer sources include hotels, other wineries, referral networks tour companies, and events. Create any customer sources that suite your business best!

Add a Customer Source

Create and manage customer sources in the Admin Control Panel (ACP) by navigating to Customers > Sources. The table of existing customer sources will display.

To add a new customer source, click [add a new customer source]
Name the new Customer Source then click submit to save.

Edit Customer Sources

To change an existing customer source, click the  edit-pencil to change the name.  Changing an existing customer source will also update all associated customer records.  

Delete Customer Sources

To delete a customer source, use the trash-can icon.  A customer source can only be deleted if there are no associated customer records.  Customer Source IDs 1 and 0 should also never be deleted because these are default types created with every database and are linked to external functionality like signup forms on your website.  The default customer sources of Tasting Room and Web can be renamed to suit your business preferences. 

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