Create Allocation Event Order

An order can be created in the POS, and assigned into an allocation event.  Use this option if a customer is purchasing additional products that are not available in the allocation event, or if you need to exceed the allocated quantities, or if an alternative ship or pickup method is required that is not available in the path-to-purchase. 

Note: The easiest way to place an allocation order for a customer is to use the Allocation auto-login link from the ACP, which will directly log you into the personal allocation store. This allows you to guide the customer through their own store experience step-by-step, or complete the order for them, while automatically linking the order to the corresponding tier and event.  For more information, get instructions in this article. 


Search for a Customer

POS > Search > Lookup allocation member's customer record
Customers can be found using first name, last name, email address or Customer ID.  


Select Customer

If multiple matches are available, select the desired customer record. Confirm by customer type or shipto state.  


Select Ship or Pickup Options

Click the customer name to open the customer card and review the club subscription settings, to confirm the shipto address or pickup preference.  (If creating a ship order, most club orders do not have a specified ship date, and will remain in an unshipped status.) 


Select Quantity and Products


Channel, Allocation Tier and Event

Change the Channel to Allocation.  This will activate two additional drop-downs to select the tier and matching allocation events. 



Select the Card on file > Place Order to complete the sale.

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