POS Basic Functions

Find the basic how-to's in this article!  

The Point-of-Sale is a module within the Admin control Panel (ACP).  

This is the primary tool for all daily transactions, in the tasting room and admin offices.  

Other familiar features of the ACP are built directly into the POS to maximize your productivity.  For example, you can access customer details and their order history without ever leaving the register screen.  You can also add a new customer on-the-fly or change an existing customer’s information while entering their order.

Helpful Features in the POS


Quicksale Account

The Quicksale account is a generic record to track all immediate pickup orders that are not associated with a specific customer.  The Quicksale account loads by default after every transaction, so you can get busy selling wine and create customer records later. 


Search for a Customer

Built in search to find and select existing customer records.  Assign a customer before creating a sale, or anytime before payment capture. 


Search for Orders

Built in order search to find and take action on orders that have already been created.  Use this tool for editing saved orders, processing pickups, finding an order to reprint a receipt, or to create a void or return.


 Add a New Customer, Fast!

The customer uber-add form provides the ability to capture minimal new customer information then instantly turn it into a new order template.


Viewing the Customer Card Details

This allows you to view and/or edit the customers record information without leaving the POS.


See Customer Vital Info with Hover

Hover over the customers name for a quick glance at all their vital information. The Wine bottle icon indicates that the customer has wine to pick up. 

By clicking on the icon, you will see the orders that need to be picked up. 


 Quickpick Sets of Product Keys – 8 sets of 12 keys

Quick pick provide the option to have six sets containing 12 of your most famous products, readily available for selection. Makes for speedy order generation!


 Split-Payment, Email Receipt, Discounts and Tax

Split-payment provides the customer(s) an option to pay with multiple (up to 10) forms of payment.
Receipts can be emailed instantly upon placing the order.
Visually see the discount calculation and tax rate from the POS screen.
Email toggle allow for sending the receipt or not. (Print Toggle performs the same).


 Add Order Tags and Comments

Ability to add an order tag (unique identifier for searching purposes.)
Ability to add order comments, comments to shipper, gift message or an internal comment.


 See Recent Orders Quickly 

View 50 most recent orders with the option to take immediate action (Print receipt, Issue a return or credit, View and/or print receipt in PDF format.)


 Order Actions Menu

Locate a customers order and take immediate action (Print receipt, Issue a return or credit, View and/or print receipt in PDF format.)


 Order Tabs

Order Tabs are saved orders made visible at the top of the POS. By default the are identified by the customer first and last name initials and the last 3 digets of the order number. They can be renamed in the <default> field up to 6 characters.

Set up for Order Tabs is in the Terminal Manager settings. (See this article for additional information.)

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