Export Orders for Balance Variances

Export orders into an Excel or CSV format for review and reconciliation beyond the information provided in reports.

Exports are also useful for determining variances and differences between back deposits and funds collected, or other similar circumstances.

Permission Required:  Your user account must be enabled with the parent permission Orders.

Contact your eCellar User Manager for assistance. 

Export Orders to Excel/CSV

  1. Export Orders:

    From order search results Select Action > Export Orders

  2. Export:

    Select the desired export format.

    The three most helpful for accounting purposes are the Order Summary, Order Detailed, and Order Detail Expanded.

    The Complete Record provides EVERY detail of the order. It may be helpful in some unique circumstances when the other exports do not provide the details needed.

For further interrogation of exported data, this video contains a demonstration of how to efficiently search for multiple customer or order IDs by creating a comma-separated list from an Excel export.

The techniques can be used for any export from either order or payment search results.

Efficient Customer and Order ID Search Technique

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