Search for Orders

The Order Search form has four main sections:

1. Order Information 

2. Fulfillment 

3. Address 

4. Back Office

Select the desired criteria into the search form, then click Show Orders to view the results. 


Search capabilities include the ability to include (+) and exclude (-) desired data points in a single search. A blue border around a search form means the criteria will be included in the results.  A red border designates the search form will exclude selected criteria from the search.

It is always best, when able, to include what you can, as opposed to omit.

Order Information 

Create Date Use the smart-search to create a dynamic saved search, or enter specific dates that orders were created in the date range.
Date Range Specific dates that the order were created.
Billing Status Paid, Credit, Refunded, Partial Paid, Authorization CC, Billed, Cancelled, Declined CC, Not Paid, Void.
Order Source Alloc, Club, Events, FOB, Inbound, Int, Outbound, PH/Fax/Mail, POS, Web, WHSLE.
POS Terminal Tasting Room registers have a Terminal ID number.
Sales Rep Who created the order.
Order ID Order number, unique identifier, assigned by database.
Order Total Invoice total.
$0 Orders Include or Omit $0 orders.
Discounted Items Include orders with or without discounts on them.
Customer ID Customer ID associated to the order.
Customer Name Customer name associated to the order.

Fulfillment and Shipping Information

Ship Status Identify orders by searching a specific ship status.
Ship Method Identify orders by searching a specific ship method.
Ship Code Identify orders by searching a specific ship code.
Ship/Pickup Date Identify orders by searching a specific ship or pickup date.
Date Range Identify orders by searching a specific ship or pick date range.
Inventory Location Identify orders by searching a specific inventory location.
Fulfillment Co. Identify orders by searching a specific fulfillment company.
Brand Key Identify orders by searching a specific brand key.
Compliance Identify orders by searching a specific compliance result (All, Passed, Failed, or Not Checked).
Fulfillment Shipped

Identify orders by searching a specific shipping result (All, Passed, Failed, or Not Checked).

Address Information

Billing / Shipping Address
First Name Search by the first name of the billing OR or shipping address information.
Last Name Search by the last name of the billing OR shipping address information.
Address 1 Search by  the main address of the billing OR shipping address information.
Address Line 2 Search by the second line address of the billing OR shipping address information.
Address Company Search by the company name of the billing or shipping address information.
Phone Search by the phone number of the billing OR shipping address information.
Zip Search by the zip code of the billing OR shipping address information.
State Search by the state of the billing OR shipping address information.
Country Search by the country of the billing OR shipping address information.

Back Office

Close Date Search orders by Close date, which is used to lock data in an order, and trigger integration with an accounting system.
Modified Date Date an order was modified.
Tags Search for one or multiple order tags associated to the orders.
Product Sales Category The product sales category associated to the specific product.
Products Specific products on the order.
Wine Club Event The Wine Club event associated to the order.
Remix Order Search for orders that have a Wine Club Remix (Any, Yes, or No).
Allocation Event The Allocation event associated to the order.
Extra Requests Allocation orders with wish grant requests.
Reconciled Visual marker for accounting when an order has been reconciled.
Promo Code The promo code used on the order.
Campaign The campaign the order was purchased from a click-through to a product.
Customer Comments Customer comments on the order.
Internal Comments Internal comments on the order.

Sort and Filter Results

Use the Sort By drop-down to select the sort order of your result list. Order results will default to Create Date, with newest on top.

Best Practice: Use the Back Office section to search for orders created specifically from campaign click-through to your online store.  The Search allows you to find orders from a single campaign, or search multiple email campaigns at once.  For even more insight, compound this search with specific promo codes to track highly specific order behavior. 

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