The Payform (OpenEdge Gateway)
eCellar is partnered with OpenEdge, a division of GlobalPayments for credit card processing.
Behind the scenes, the OpenEdge platform ensures every transaction occurs swiftly and securely.
Within eCellar, there are several entry-points to access the OpenEdge payform, which is a direct portal to your payment gateway.
When credit card information is entered into the payform, the card data is immediately tokenized and is replaced by a digital token and all sensitive card data is securely stored in the OpenEdge vault with the highest level of PCI certification and security.
Adding a Credit Card Payment
When the gateway payform opens tap or dip the chip, or manually enter the credit card details then Select Securely Process Payment - this will tokenize the credit card and attempt to authorize/capture funds.
Manual Card Entry
In the POS, a credit card is manually added into the payform most often when using a virtual (back-office) terminal. It is best to include the cardholder's name and CVV code in addition to the primary account number and expiration date. Follow the prompts within the payform while transaction is in progress.
Using an EMV Device or Card Swipe
When working on a Registered POS Terminal in a Tasting Room, credit card information is added with an EMV device or by using a Card Swipe.
Warning: When using EMV devices for payment processing, it is essential to cancel the transaction from the device directly. Once the payment is initiated by clicking PAY, the EMV reader is ready to initiate a transaction. Do not go back to the POS to make changes to the order. Always click cancel on the EMV device first, then close the payform, Save & Edit the order, add a new payment, then reinitiate the EMV reader.
Need help? Contact OpenEdge Support
Customer Service:
800-774-6462, option #3
Merchant Technical Support:
800-774-6462, option #2