Process a Return/Credit

Returns and Credits are used for any product related refund of payment, shipping refund or tax refund or to simply credit a customer for a related purchase. These transactions may be made up to 90-days from the date the original order was created.   

Credits are for dollar-only credits back to the customer, and are not related to a specific product or item.   A Return is typically product-specific, and will also adjust any related inventory, and restore the returned product back to its original inventory location. 

Note: Because credits relate to dollars and returns to product, more than one credit may be made against an order followed by a return. Once a return is made the order is 'locked' and further transactions may not be made against it.

Types of Returns and Credits in this Article

To get started, in the POS find the order you want to refund or credit and use the action menu to select Return/Credit.

Pro Tip: It's helpful to also have the order detail of the purchase open in another browser tab for reference to any notes, possible previous credit transactions, etc.

Search for order in the POS

Use the action menu to initiate the Return/Credit

How to process a full order return


Click the Full Return button

The discounts, tax and fees, and shipping will auto-calculate based on the original order. 


Confirm Total

In the payments section, the original payment will be visible for reference, but is locked and cannot be changed.  A refund can only be issued against the original form of payment.  Ensure that the unbilled credit balance matches the original order total.  


Place Order

This will create a new return/credit invoice, which will reference the original order.  The payment gateway will process the return as a credit onto the customer's credit card when the batch is settled. 

How to process a partial return


Select each product to the quantity maximum

The discounts, tax and shipping will auto-calculate based on the original order, and the amount of product line items being returned.


Confirm Credit Total

The credit will automatically be applied to the original form of payment.  Select Place Order to complete the transaction.  This will create a new return/credit order, which will reference the original order.  The payment gateway will process the credit onto the customer's credit card when the batch is settled at the end of the day.


Review the new order in the Recent Orders Menu

The order will be outlined it red, because it's a return/credit.  Click on the order ID to expand the order details. 

How to process a Credit

Use credits for dollar amounts only that are not related to a specific product return. (For example: forgot to give 10% case discount.)  In this type of order, product quantities are not changed, the credit is for a discount, or for issuing funds back to the customer related to an original order. If there is a product return, use the Returns instructions above. 


Apply the amount to Credit

Click on the order Subtotal $0.00, to reveal a new popup box to enter the total dollar amount you wish to credit the customer. 


Enter the Amount

A credit can be issues for up to the maximum dollar amount of the original order subtotal.


Confirm Credit Total

The credit will automatically be applied to the original form of payment.  Select Place Order to complete the transaction.  A new credit order will be generated and reference the original order ID.  The payment gateway will process the credit.

How to process a shipping or tax only credit

Similar to processing a credit above, in this type of order product quantities are not changed, only a credit is issued back on the tax or shipping charge from an original order.   If there is a product return, use the Returns instructions above. Tax will auto-calculate on a product return and Shipping charges can be refunded along with a product return order.


Select the field to apply the credit

Click on the order Shipping $0.00 or Sales Tax $0.00, to reveal a new popup box to enter the total dollar amount you wish to credit the customer. Then follow steps #2 and #3 above. 


Enter the Amount

A credit for shipping or sales tax can be entered up to the maximum amount on the original order

For shipping:

For taxes:


Confirm Credit Total

The credit will automatically be applied to the original form of payment.  Select Place Order to complete the transaction.  A new credit order will be generated and reference the original order ID.  The payment gateway will process the credit.

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