Printer Set Up for Chrome
Set up Silent Printing (no print prompt) for Chrome:
Before beginning this confirm that your printer is running in the latest driver version.
PLEASE NOTE: eCELLAR Support's core competency is assisting and troubleshooting matters directly associated with eCELLAR web-based software. For third party hardware/software support, we suggest reaching out to those third-party manufacturers, and/or your IT support.
For PC
- Open Chrome
- Click the "three dots" in the upper right corner of the Chrome window to open the Menu
- Select "Delete browsing data" and clear your cache and cookies for all time
- Login to eCELLAR via
- Navigate to the POS
- Print a test receipt and verify the desired printer is the default printer, that print settings are all as desired. In general we have found that most clients will want the following default printer margins are set to .2" for top, bottom, left and right but these are suggested margins. Your printer may require different settings. NOTE: under More Settings - make CERTAIN the box for Headers and Footers is unchecked. If Headers and Footers is unchecked and your test receipts are still printing with extra space on the bottom of the receipt, check the box and save, then cancel the print job, then re-open the print job, and uncheck the setting. At this point your test receipt should print as expected.
- With the print settings defined, now once again in the POS, click the three dots in the upper right hand corner of Chrome and hover over 'Cast, save, and share', select 'Create shortcut...'
- Name the shortcut (e.g. eCELLAR POS - USE THIS)
- Close Chrome (no windows or tabs should be open for the following steps)
- Right click the newly created shortcut desktop icon and select Properties
- In the target field, navigate the curser to immediately after "C:/Program Files/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome_proxy.exe" and insert
note there is a space after " then two hypens:"C:/Program Files/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome_proxy.exe" --kiosk-printing
- Click Apply and OK, now double click the icon to open Chrome
- Navigate back to the eCELLAR POS and print a test receipt
- When successful, click the "three dots" again and select Settings and then "On Startup" select "Use current pages".
- Close Settings and select Recent Orders - Print to ensure the receipt prints correctly.
- If you have made a mistake, you can revert back by deleting the New Shortcut you created in Step 8 and using your original Chrome icon.
For MacOS
1. Navigate to Terminal in Applications - > Utilities
2. Enter "defaults write DisablePrintPreview -bool true" without the quotation marks and press Return/Enter
3. Open Google Chrome and check that the default printer is correct (Command + P)
4. Navigate to the POS and print a test receipt