Thermal Printer Set-up
To install the thermal receipt printer for the Epson models TM T88 IV,V or VI please go to the following site to download the current driver.
- Select Advanced Printer Driver v5.10 or newer for Windows machines or iOS v2.9.2 for Apple and iPads
- Download and install driver
- Make sure the thermal printer is set as the default.
The printer driver will control the automatic drawer release for the cash drawer. Depending on the print driver, one of these options will work.
For Windows machines go to 'Settings' then go select 'Devices and Printers'.
Right click the printer.
Select Epson Printing Preferences.
Select Document Settings.
Click 'Cash Drawer'
For both Cash drawers 1 & 2 select 'Open after printing' and click ok
Go to Devices and Printers
Right click the printer
Select Epson Printing Preferences
Select Peripherals
From the dropdown select 'cash drawer'
For both Cash drawer 1 & 2 select 'Open after printing' and click ok