Allocation Overview and Terminology

An Allocation Event allows you to manage the release and sale of scarce product within a limited time.  Customers assigned to an Allocation Tier will have access to view their personal offer and purchase product online, only while logged into their account.  The allocation module also includes tools for wish granting, a unique way to capture each customer's purchase potential and reward customers by granting some or all of their wish requests. 

Permission Required:  To access Allocation settings, your user account must be enabled with the permission for Allocation to access the sub-menu options. Contact your eCellar User Manager for assistance. 

Allocation Terminology and Definitions

Allocation Tier Is a specific set of customers that will all receive access to a personalized allocation offer
Allocation Event Has a specified begin and end date, includes the products to be offered, set quantities and option to allow for the customer to wish for additional quantities of the already offered wines. 
Begin Date The opening day of an allocation event and customers can begin purchasing at 12:00am.
End Date The last day of an allocation event, and access will be disabled at 12:00pm.
Allocation Landing Page The Allocation Store page of your website.  This page has two available displays, depending if an active allocation is available or not.  Learn more about customizing your allocation landing page in this Article. 
Allocation Auto-login A unique magic link that can be included in email campaigns, which allows customers to click and gain immediate access to the allocation landing page without entering a username and password.  
VIP Pickup Reward your best and/or local customers by allowing them to select a special pickup location in the checkout process.  Learn more about activating VIP Pickup in this Article. 
Individual Allocation An advanced allocation model that allows for each customer to have their own individual product and quantity limits.
Group Wish Granting A round-robin style of wish granting, which creates a new additional order for each customer that is granted wines.

Individual Wish Granting

Allows for individual customers and orders to be reviewed and analyzed, and wishes are granted on a per-order basis. Granted wines are processed and appended into the original order, so all purchases ship at the same time. 

Allocation Models

There are three different models of allocation setup available to suite the style of your brand and business needs. If you are just starting an allocation for your winery, consult with the Support Team to decide which model will work best for you.  If allocation is already part of your DTC business then determine which model outlined below best matches your existing allocation offerings. 

Group Allocation with a Single Event

Groups of customers are assigned into unique tiers, and all tiers are connected to a single allocation event. The products and min/max settings are defined by each tier, and the start and end dates are defined by the event. This model works best for smaller brands and is recommended for 3-6 tiers; however can be used with up to 20 tiers. 

Group Allocation with Multiple Events

Groups of customers are assigned into unique tiers, and each tier is connected to a separate event.  The products and min/max settings are defined by each tier, and the start and end dates are defined by the event.  This allows for each tier of customers to access their allocation offer on different days; allowing top customers first (or early-bird) access, then staggering additional event start dates from top to bottom. This enforces a first-come, first-served style, and is especially helpful in allocation offers which are not guaranteed availability for all tiers. This model works well for wineries of all sizes, and is the most common configuration used. 

Individual Allocation

Each individual customer belongs to a unique tier, and can be offered completely customized products and min/max quantities.  This is an advanced style of allocation and is best used for large wineries, often with data analysis tools.  

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